It's about people and progress, not politics and power.

Success by Design: A Blueprint for Women Who Want to Succeed in Life


This power-packed seminar explores the many ways women can succeed in life by assessing their capabilities, setting goals, planning their strategies, changing their attitude about their situations and striving for success. This is a how-to seminar that teaches women how to take control of their future. This seminar is designed for women who need an extra push to success.


After completing this seminar participants will be able to do the following:

  • Identify the characteristics of goals
  • Know how to set goals and the difference between goals and dreams
  • Identify obstacles to setting goals and ways of eliminating obstacles.
  • Learn how to identify and eliminate time wasters
  • Look at their attitude and learn how to communicate for desired results
  • Learn and apply the DESIGN concept for success


The following topics will be covered in this seminar:

  1. Self Comes First: Assess Your Capabilities and Abilities
  2. How to distinguish between a goal and a dream
  3. How to set goals for success
  4. Obstacles to setting goals and how to deal with them
    -- Habits
    -- Jumping to Conclusions
    -- Lack of information
    -- Either-or-thinking
    -- Attitudes and Assumptions
  5. Time Management
    -- Twenty steps to time management 
    -- Reason & seasons concept
    -- The currency of Earth
  6. The DESIGN Concept